Monday, October 12, 2009

More birthday celebrations

Today is Max's birthday.  Obviously it started with some doughnuts from Jubelts, followed by playing with some toys and a shower before our trip to the zoo.  Max was very excited about the animals and could not wait to get there.  Once we got to the zoo Max was in heaven.  I have never heard him talk so much before.  I mean he was throwing out words I had never heard him say and putting them in sentences.  So here are some pictures from our trip to the zoo.  You might see the hippo almost has a smile on his/her face.  That is because seconds before I took the picture it had a massive dropping right in front of the window for all zoo goers to see.   On our way home we stopped by Toy R' Us and let Max pick out a toy for his birthday.  He picked Handy Manny with a motorcycle.  Needless to say it was a great day and we all enjoyed it.  Max you are so special to us.   We are so thankful God placed you in our lives and allowed us the chance to be your parents.  We love you!

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