Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Potty Time

The last month or so we have been trying to get Max interested in peeing in the big boy potty and not his diapers. He said he wasn't big enough yet, but he would be someday. Well, apparently someday was a couple days ago. Kate was changing Max and he says, "Mom, I don't think I am going to wear diapers anymore". So we ran with that idea and have been working on potty training the last 3 days. It actually has gone fairly well. He tells us when he needs to go and sometimes he just goes to the bathroom by himself and takes care of business. There have been a couple little accidents when he couldn't get his pants down quick enough, but for the most part he is catching on well. We are hoping he continues on the path he is. Charley is getting close to being ready. However, I think we will just try one at a time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Betty Crocker Wannabe

My wife has recently become a little Betty Crocker. With in the last couple of days she has made homemade bread, homemade apple pie, and homemade cupcakes. The kids preferred when she made cupcakes because they were able to lick the icing off the mixing beaters. Even Zena snuck in there and stole a couple licks. Poor Myles missed out because he was in bed.

I need glue

So this is was the kids big present at Christmas. Yes, I know it is way past Christmas, but I have been replacing tracks so frequently I have not had time to get it on here. It is a great toy. All the kids love playing with trains. Myles does pretty well with it, right before he just acts as Godzilla and destroys the town. The kids love it, and that all that matters. Charley has already broken the drawer which holds the trains because she wanted to make it into a seat. Obviously that did not work.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Promise

While on vacation back in October, my brother made a deal with me that he would come back and visit more if I updated my blog. So pack your bags Thomas....

A lot has gone on since anyone, if anyone, last read this. Max turned 3 in October and is continuing to impress us on a daily basis. The information he is able to process and retain is simply amazing. I know every parent is bias, but I really believe is extremely smart. Kate and I have no idea where he gets it from.

Charley is getting ready to turn 2 in March. She might possibly be the death of me, but I love her to death. She has a heart of gold, but can be stubborn at times. I love to sit back and watch how she plays so differently than Max. She nurtures her baby dolls and it comes so instinctively to her. Amazing how God instills these different characteristics in us from an early age.

Myles is moving around like crazy. He will turn one in March. He is using the couch, chairs, toys, your leg, and anything he can get his hands on to assist him in walking around. He says dada and mama. He thinks the world of his older brother and sister. He follows them everywhere they go. The look on his face when he plays with them is priceless. He thinks he is so big.

Kate and I just celebrated out 5th wedding anniversary. We have experienced so much in our first five years. At times it feels like it has been more than 5 years- in a good way. I took an training position up at the Academy last January. However, I have put in my transfer to go back to the road. I had more time with the kids and Kate. Not to mention I wasn't donating as much time I am now. We are also trying to sell our house. With the number of kids and the lack of storage space and square footage, we are needing some more room. We have some plans drawn up to build. So we are currently just waiting for God to bring us a buyer. Other than that we are closing in on paying our debt off! The Dave Ramsey Project is almost complete. Only a couple more months. I know I have said it before, but I will keep this updated. If not for Thomas, then for myself. God Bless