Friday, January 16, 2009

Sneak Peek

The other day we went to the doctor's office to get a 3-D sonogram. It was the cooliest thing I have seen in a while. So ladies and gents... here is a preview of Charley Yenchko. Some say there is a strong resemblance of Max there, you be the judge. Can't wait to meet you Charley!

No Soda?!

So I am trying to give soda up..... yeah.... it's not easy. I feel like I need a patch on my arm or something.

Christmas update

Yes Christmas has come and gone and I am late on updating as usual, but oh well. I am trying to work on it.

Max got a squad car for Christmas and he just loves it. He also got a cadillac escalade

Christmas was a blast, as you tell by Jen's blog. Whenever the boys get together you know things will be interesting.

Kate received some shears for work... who would have thought something so little would cost so much

And another gift we got was the Tammany's moving to town. Its great to have you guys in town
It was a great Christmas and the new year has started out well