Sunday, October 25, 2009

Safe and Sound

We made it safe to Destin!   It is simply amazing down here and we will take pictures to post when we get back.   

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Play mates

They love playing together

Number 3

So, today was the big day.  We all got in the car and drove up to Springfield to find out who would be joining our little family.  However, at the pace we are at can we really say "little family"?  Chew on it.  Anyway, Grandma Peggy and Grandma Cindy joined us at the Dr's office.  We all went into the room.  As Charley held her doll with great anticipation while Max chowed down on some mini muffins.   The ultra sound began and for the life of the technician she couldn't find out the sex!  The lil bundle of joy was laying on it's back and curled in a ball refusing to move.  She continued to try and try and then at the last minute we found our answer.  There for all the world to see was a little boy.   She was still unable to check some things such as his lips and mouth to make sure there was no cleft lip and she couldn't see all of his spine.  However for the most of what she could see everything appeared to be good.  We will have to go back soon and have another one done.  So, Myles is on his way and we are so excited to bring him home.  On our way home we stopped by Divernon where Uncle Thomas was working.  Max absolutely loves him and talks about him all the time.  (Thomas is in the area helping with this massive farm)  Max thought the combines and tractors were so cool.  We were offered rides, but had to get home and told them we would be back after vacation.    So it was a good day all around.  Here is Myles' first picture.  Pretty much the same profile as Max

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Number 3

We find out on the 21st of this month what number 3 will be.  We are taking a poll, so put your 2 cents in.  

Monday, October 12, 2009

More birthday celebrations

Today is Max's birthday.  Obviously it started with some doughnuts from Jubelts, followed by playing with some toys and a shower before our trip to the zoo.  Max was very excited about the animals and could not wait to get there.  Once we got to the zoo Max was in heaven.  I have never heard him talk so much before.  I mean he was throwing out words I had never heard him say and putting them in sentences.  So here are some pictures from our trip to the zoo.  You might see the hippo almost has a smile on his/her face.  That is because seconds before I took the picture it had a massive dropping right in front of the window for all zoo goers to see.   On our way home we stopped by Toy R' Us and let Max pick out a toy for his birthday.  He picked Handy Manny with a motorcycle.  Needless to say it was a great day and we all enjoyed it.  Max you are so special to us.   We are so thankful God placed you in our lives and allowed us the chance to be your parents.  We love you!

Happy Birthday Max!

Saturday we had the fam over for Max's birthday party.  It was some good food, fellowship and presents for the birthday boy.  We are blessed to have such a loving family and thanks for coming.  Here are some pictures from the evening.  

Friday, October 9, 2009

Spider Man's Kitten

Max has been playing with the kittens a lot lately.  Therefore, when he comes in they cry for him to come back.  So the other day we were going to bible study when I heard the kittens crying.  I went to the door and saw this....
... what have we gotten ourselves into?

On The Move

Charley is crawling now.  Not so much the standard crawl, rather the army style.  She can get moving pretty fast on the wood floors.  Max loves that she is mobile now.

Family Day

Even though it has rained for the last 48 hours today was just about perfect.  The day started off with Max and I going to Jubelt's this morning for doughnuts.  Kate and I then cleaned up the house for Max's birthday bash tomorrow.  Then Max and I went to DQ where he picked out his birthday cake.  Currently, Kate is making some chili for tomorrow's activities. As she is making it Max and Charley are playing together.  The overcast day, smell of chili and cool temps all adds up to a perfect fall day.  Granted there is rain, I still love it.  The only thing that would be better is if there was football on.  Do not worry there is golf, so I am very content.  Here are some pics from today.  You will also noticed that Blue has arrived.  He is the new fish in town, since yellow's dreadful passing.