Tuesday, July 1, 2008

24 Hour Handyman

A couple nights ago Kate and I were getting ready for bed. I always stack the extra pillows next to my side of the bed, as my night stand (yes, I know very classy). Anyway, we go to bed and in the morning I am getting up to get ready for work. I noticed on my "night stand" there are 5 bulbs neatly placed in a row. So now I am really confused. I know those were not there the night before. I then look up at the chandelier above our bed and see that 5 bulbs are missing. I wake Kate up and tell her whats going on. I then remember I did dream about removing bulbs from somewhere, but not sure where. The real kicker is the ones on the very top. I would have had to stand on the bed to reach them. Makes me wonder, what else do I do in my sleep. I guess if you need some work done around your house call me before I go to bed and I will be over sometime in the night to take care of it.

1 comment:

Brandijo said...

That is too funny! I just hope you don't try anything dangerous, like trying to fix the roof.
