Monday, December 7, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

As you all well know, we lost Yellow (Max's fish) a little while ago.   He was replaced with Blue.  If you remember, Yellow died as a result of changing the water to fast and not allowing it to sit out.  Well last night I was changing Blue's water.  I was transferring the water over the sink area in the kitchen.  As I went to place Blue into the new water, he flopped like crazy.  He jumped right into the sink and was stuck in the rubber stopper of the garbage disposal.  I froze.  I quickly grabbed a spoon to get him out.  However, as I went to grab him he slipped and fell into the abyss of the great garbage disposal.  My mouth just about hit the floor.  Kate and the rest of the family were at the table.  By my facial expression she knew what had happened and was laughing.  I tried to retrieve Blue, but I was unable to.  The only thing left to do was flip the switch.  I felt like I was flipping the switch on someone who was on death row.  I turned the water on in an attempt to give blue a lil water to have one last swim....then flipped the switch.  You will be missed Blue.   


cressfamily said...

That story made my night. Just think of all the times you can retell that story. That is timeless.

The Tammanys said...

Why didn't you just wash him down the sink without turning on the garbage disposal? He could have had a chance!

Sunshine with the chance of clouds said...

Lol! That is a hilarious story! It sounds like something that would occur at my house :) Maybe you can try red?